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Why Paintball in London is Perfect for Workplace Team Building

Paintball London Perfect Workplace Team Building

When any employee hears the words ‘team building’, they usually expect a day of awkward bonding activities. Instead, why not treat your troops with something more fun and beneficial? A day of paintball near London certainly fits the bill.

There’s no doubt that conventional team building activities can be an excellent way to get co-workers to bond and work better as a unit, but that doesn’t mean they’re enjoyable for those involved. Christmas is coming up and you’ll likely be putting aside some funds for a Christmas party or meal. Using this money for a team building day instead might sound suicidal for a business, but not if that day consisted of an adrenaline-fueled afternoon of fun, laughs and high-octane combat.

The suggestion of paintballing will give your employees a well-earned treat this Christmas. In the process, you and your business will benefit from the team building aspects of the sport and a group of employees who appreciate a day away from the office, spent instead on the battlefield.

Paintballing is a Great Bonding Experience

For your employees to work together as a team, it’s always beneficial to give them the opportunity to bond. This isn’t to say that everyone in the workplace has to be best friends, but providing the platform for co-workers to connect on a personal level will help them to get along better.

The unique nature of paintball makes it such an immersive experience for all involved. Even those who have no interest in the outdoors or combat-like sports will find themselves embracing their inner Rambo. Co-workers will be at their best and most efficient when they’re happy, and experiences like paintball will allow them to bond in a fun environment.

Genuinely Beneficial for Teamwork

The problem with a lot of team building exercises is that people simply don’t get excited or engaged by what they have to offer. When it comes to paintball, you instantly become alert and engaged – partially because there’s the possibility of being shot! Not only is it fun to play, but the need for team tactics make it a genuinely beneficial experience for team building.

Many of the skills are transferable to the workplace, one of which is the need for communication to succeed. In paintball, it’s vital to plan your next move and work together to achieve a united goal. The same can be said for the workplace, where communicating well during shared projects will help you to achieve better results.

Healthy Alternative to Parties

Your employees will naturally be counting down the days until the Christmas break, but before that happens, there’s usually a party or meal to organise. While there’s no doubt these activities are beneficial for people to relax and have a good time, the money you’ll spend on it could be invested into an even more productive day of paintball. This gives you a chance to do something unexpected for your hard-working employees. Plus, you’ll avoid a hangover and embarrassment from any regrettable drunken behaviour!

Christmas is obviously a time where most people overdo it in regards to food and drink; it’s hard not to with so many treats available. A day of paintballing will not only avoid the abundance of food and drink at a party, but it’s also a brilliant full body workout. If your employees spend a lot of time sat down at desks, this is the perfect contrast to their regular routine and will send them into the Christmas holidays with a boost.

Paintballing Provides Healthy Competition

The head-to-head combat of paintballing not only makes it an exhilarating experience, but also adds a unique sense of competition that few other sports can replicate. While some companies prefer to keep competitive behaviour out of the workplace, when utilised correctly, it can boost productivity. Engaging in competitive activities out of the office is an effective way of encouraging healthy competition among your employees.

Healthy competition is a great way to get the most out of employees, as any sense of one-upmanship is light-hearted and doesn’t make the workplace an uncomfortable place to be. Co-workers can settle competitions during out-of-hours activities and sports, and the bonding involved with it will create stronger working relationships.

Are you looking for a unique team-building activity for your employees? GO Paintball London caters for corporate paintball days out and can even organise private sessions to suit your schedule. Book your paintball session today and rally the troops for a day to remember!

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What’s your location / Where is the venue?

GO Paintball is London’s nearest outdoor Paintball venue, and perfectly located for Surrey and Kent. Free car parking is available and train Stations are a short walk away.

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How much does an experience cost?

You’ll be armed with the freshest kit in the industry at the very best Paintball prices. Please select the ‘Occasion’ of your event for up to date Admissions & Equipment Hire, and cheapest inclusive Ammo Package prices.

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How do I add on players to my booking?

Once your initial group booking has been made, additional players can usually be booked in online (subject to availability), using your same group name as your booking. Please get in touch should you need any assistance.

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What are the current Special Offers?

Booking directly with us gives you and your Squad access to all of our awesome Special Offers; including Free Sniper Rifles & Squad Leader Perks, free Large Papa Johns pizzas and 100 Extra Paintballs for all players within our ammo packages, plus much more!

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What are Tommy ‘Gun’s
Top 10 Tips?

The Top 10 Paintballing Tips from the former UK #1 Paintball Player, World Cup Winner & GO Paintball London Owner, Tommy ‘Gun’ Pemberton.

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